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Non-Theologian Perverts Love

Writer's picture: GPSGPS



I came across a brief article in Breitbart News.[1] Matthew Dowd, a former strategist for George Bush who also made a run for the governor’s office in Texas without the blessing of providence (i.e., he lost), reveals his lack of biblical understanding. For Doud, God is all about “love.” Any idea of justice or righteousness is out of bounds or non-existent. Why, you might ask? Because justice puts boundaries on people’s freedom of expression.

Dowd’s words are shocking and heretical. The grammar is poor for a man with his education. You will probably have to read it slowly or at least twice.

"We are in a culture war. This is a culture war launched by Republicans against the country and the Democrats. Something that I have tried to talk about, being a Christian and an altar boy and all of that, how the faith is captured by the society who have tried to define it in a way that Jesus never defined it and actually the opposite. The message of the gospel of the Easter holidays was love one another. I have said this before. I’ll say it again, if Jesus Christ were alive today, he would be called a groomer, he would be called woke, and he would be called a socialist if alive today if he was speaking the message in the gospels today about treating everybody with dignity. He hung around with prostitutes and tax collectors. He spoke on behalf of the most marginalized people in the Middle East. The idea that a certain segment of the population is trying to corrupt that message that I’m a follower of…is something I think all of us, not just people of faith but whether Christian, Hindu, Buddhist or don’t have a faith, the message of love conquers hate is a message we should be pushing."

Firstly, I do not recall Republicans being the impetus for the culture war or the sexual revolution in America. I do remember Jane Fonda and the like in the ’60s. I don’t recall Goldwater supporting the sexual revolution; certainly not Ronald Reagan. I don’t think Charlie Manson and his girls were Republicans. I will admit that the Republican Party of late has sadly and openly welcomed homosexuality into its “tent,” but they have not gone woke to this date; in fact, there has been open resistance to the woke agenda.

Secondly, The message of the Resurrection has nothing to do with "Easter". Easter comes from the Babylonian queen Astarte, the queen of heaven. In Assyria, she was called Ishtar. The worship of Astarte was eventually introduced into Britain and, as corruption goes, it melded its way through the Roman Catholic Church into Christianity. Hence, Easter Sunday. I’m confident that the Lord would be quite pleased if we simply called our remembrance of His glorious resurrection “Resurrection Sunday” and left the “eggs” with the “Babylonian crossbows” of history.[2]

Thirdly, the primary message of Resurrection Sunday is NOT about our love. The primary message of the Resurrection of our Lord is LIFE ETERNAL, a life that doesn’t end in a grave, is full of life without pain of any kind, and lived in the presence of God. What Dowd reduces to perversion is the greatest gift God will give to each of His children, to those who accept His sacrifice and His amazing gift of grace.

Fourthly, Dowd reduces the Creator, the Christ who died for the sins of prostitutes and tax collectors, to a groomer, a woke advocate, an LGBT+ supporter, and a friend of prostitutes and corrupt tax collectors. [3] Mr. Dowd: there is nothing inherently wrong or sinful with the profession of tax collecting. Matthew’s problem was that he was abusing his power by overtaxing the people. This said, our Lord did not hang out with prostitutes and tax collectors. He ministered to them, as well as many other types of sinful people in various professions, some of whom believed and repented of their sins and followed Him. His purpose was always to lead people from a fallen state (sinful) to a saved state (salvation). He wasn’t “hanging out;” He was evangelizing!

Finally, where selfishness is innate to one’s soul, love is absent. Dowd’s concept of love allows people to do what they want to do, what they feel is best for them. His "love" doesn’t consider consequences. Sadly, the vast devastating consequences are not limited to just the perpetrator(s) of sin. The consequences of the sinful 60s are "coming home to roost!" If Churches continue to fall into apostasy (RC, UCC, PCUSA, ECA, LCA, SBC, UM, etc.), the Democrat Party stays in control, and the Republican Party continues its moral slide, there are no more land masses to which a free people can resettle.


While God wants to raise His children to the spiritual state of the risen Christ, Dowd, in his own words, prefers to reduce the risen Christ to the state of fallen men and women. In so doing, he sadly perverts the concept of love by justifying sinfulness.

What shall we say then? Are we to continue in sin so that grace may increase? Far from it! How shall we who died to sin still live in it? Or do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus have been baptized into His death? Therefore we have been buried with Him through baptism into death, so that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, so we too may walk in newness of life. For if we have become united with Him in the likeness of His death, certainly we shall also be in the likeness of His resurrection, knowing this, that our old self was crucified with Him, in order that our body of sin might be done away with, so that we would no longer be slaves to sin; for the one who has died is freed from sin (Romans 6:1-6).

[1] [2] [3] He probably didn’t know he said this, but his ignorance of Scripture led to this conclusion.


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